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Viborg Region

Viborg is a fantastic city with amazing architecture and fishing to match.

It is one of the oldest cities in Denmark with Viking settlements dating back to the 8th century. It has an urban population of around 38,000.


The main fishing is on the many lakes both in the centre of Viborg and within a 5-minute drive.

A road bridge splits the 2 lakes in the centre of Viborg. The top lake that is on the left looking from the city is called N0rres0. The bottom lake is called S0nders0. 

Depths in these 2 lakes are around 3 meters on the feeder line. These are large expanses of open water and as such it is the norm for quite a chop on these lakes. This is good for the fishing and some really big weights come from these lakes. The bream average 4 - 6 lbs. ( 1.8 - 2.7 kgs).


Just outside of Viborg next to the Viborg airfield is Veds0 Lake. This is an amazingly picturesque lake that holds a huge head of coarse fish with the main species been Roach and Bream. This is a large open lake that is actually 2 lakes connected via a small channel. Parts of the lake are very deep and other parts relatively shallow. See the maps for best places to fish.


Another lake just outside of Viborg is Vintmolle s0. This lake is quite small by Danish standards but still holds a good head of coarse fish. Parts of this lake are sheltered by trees and so offer a comfortable days fishing. 

Hald s0 is the largest lake in the Viborg area. Fishing is allowed from boats only apart from at Hald hovedgaard (Manor House) and by mill pond at Dollerup Mill. Boats can be rented at 30 DKK per hour at Niels Bugges kro (Inn) Ravnsbjergvej.

Hald S0 and Veds0 are connected by the Non Mollea stream.


The other lake on any note in the Viborg region is Tang S0. This is Denmark's largest artificial lake. It was constructed behind the dam in the Guden valley in 1918 - 1921. This is a large lake over 1 km wide at its widest point. 

This lake holds a good head of Roach and Bream.


Pre-baiting is a good idea on all the lakes in the Viborg region due to there size. As with all things the more effort you put in the greater the rewards can be.





The main areas of fishing I have tried to convey on the 'Maps - where to fish section'

For information on fishing in the Viborg area please see the link that opens a booklet from the Viborg tourist office.

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